I’ve been working to migrate to a new laptop and have run into a problem with configuration for Divvy, my window manager.
If you’re also trying to figure this out, your first google search will take you to a blog post from 2013 which just says to copy the preferences file at ~/Library/Preferences/com.mizage.direct.Divvy.plist
to your new machine.
This doesn’t work. Once you copy the config and re-launch Divvy, it immediately just overwrites the file.
The blog post also links to a native guide (2016) from Divvy but the link is dead.
Long story short, you can do this with an export
+ import
using OSX defaults.
On your old machine, export your settings into com.mizage.direct.Divvy.plist
defaults export com.mizage.direct.Divvy com.mizage.direct.Divvy.plist
Copy this binary plist to your new machine and import your settings with:
defaults import com.mizage.direct.Divvy com.mizage.direct.Divvy.plist
Note: These settings contain your Divvy license key so be sure to treat it as a secret.