ULID's in Python

November 5, 2019

ULID stands for Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier.

In short, their goal is to provide an alternative to UUID values where sortability is required while still maintaining similar uniqueness guarantees. This is achieved by storing the creation time of the identifier, at millisecond precision, within the value itself at the cost of reduced entropy.

Check out the full specification for more technical details.


This post is a deeper dive into ULID’s to examine their anatomy using python and the ulid-py package. For additional examples, check out the official docs or ulid-py repository on GitHub.

Getting started

Install the ulid-py package from pypi using pip.

$ pip install ulid-py
$ python
>>> import ulid


A ULID is a 128 bit/16 byte/26 character value with the most significant bit first. 1

The ULID type supports a number of different representations.

>>> value = ulid.new()
>>> value
>>> str(value)
>>> value.str
>>> value.int
>>> value.bytes
>>> value.uuid

A ULID value is composed of two parts: timestamp and randomness.

 01DSEY8C4P    D630AZR8T2V2DPZ9
|----------|  |----------------|
 Timestamp        Randomness


The timestamp value is stored in the first 48 bits/6 bytes/10 characters. It is a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. 2

The Timestamp type supports a number of different representations.

>>> ts = value.timestamp()
>>> ts
>>> str(ts)
>>> ts.str
>>> ts.int
>>> ts.bytes
>>> ts.datetime
datetime.datetime(2019, 11, 12, 4, 34, 26, 70000)
>>> ts.timestamp


The randomness value is stored in the remaining 80 bits/8 bytes/16 characters. It is a cryptographically secure random value. 3

The Randomess type supports a number of different representations.

>>> rnd = value.randomness()
>>> rnd
>>> str(rnd)
>>> rnd.str
>>> rnd.int
>>> rnd.bytes

Crockford’s Base32

When represented as a string, ULID’s use Crockford’s Base32 encoding. This encoding uses 5 bits per character, gaining an extra bit per character over hexadecimal (Base16). Crockford’s implementation excludes the letters “I”, “L”, and “O” to avoid visual confusion with digits “0” and “1”. It also excludes the letter “U” to reduce likelyhood of obsenities.4

>>> ulid.base32.ENCODING

Crockford’s Base32 is case insensitive and only encodes uppercase characters, e.g. “a” and “A” both encode to the letter “A”. Upper and lowercase letters decode to the same value, e.g. “a” and “A” both to the numeric value of 10.

>>> ulid.base32.DECODING[ord('a')]
>>> ulid.base32.DECODING[ord('A')]

The base32 module supports a number of encoding/decoding functions. When the exact part of data you’re dealing with is known, use the encode_{part} or decode_{part} functions for optimal performance. If unsure, use the encode and decode functions as they will try and determine it. Choosing between these is just a minor performance optimization.

>>> value.bytes
>>> value.timestamp().bytes
>>> value.randomness().bytes

>>> ulid.base32.encode_ulid(value.bytes)
>>> ulid.base32.encode_timestamp(value.timestamp().bytes)
>>> ulid.base32.encode_randomness(value.randomness().bytes)

>>> ulid.base32.encode(value.bytes)
>>> ulid.base32.encode(value.timestamp().bytes)
>>> ulid.base32.encode(value.randomness().bytes)


Since the timestamp value is the first 48 bits/6 bytes/10 characters of a ULID value, they can be lexicographically sorted with millisecond precision. The ulid spec also defines support for monotonically5 increasing randomness values to maintain sort order within the same millisecond. However, due to some questions/concerns/discussion6 around the implementation, it is not yet supported by the ulid-py package.

Update (11/10/2020): As of Sept. 2020, in the 1.1.0 release, the ulid-py package has monotonic support. It has implementations using a lock protected counter or using microsecond precision clocks.

>>> u1 = ulid.new()
>>> u1
>>> u2 = ulid.new()
>>> u2
>>> u3 = ulid.from_timestamp(2678249158)
>>> u3
>>> u3.timestamp().datetime
datetime.datetime(2054, 11, 14, 6, 5, 58)
>>> u1 < u2 < u3


ULID’s aren’t the panacea of identifiers but definitely have their place.

Consider them when:

Avoid them when:

In general, ULID’s provide a nice alternative to UUID’s in cases where sortability and visual appeal of the identifier takes priority over the loss of entropy and universal language/platform support.

To be continued…

The next blog post in this series will discuss using ULID’s with the Django web framework. Stay tuned!

  1. Big endian/network byte order https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endianness 

  2. Unix time https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time 

  3. Pseudorandom number generators (PRNG) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudorandom_number_generator 

  4. Crockford’s Base32 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base32#Crockford's_Base32 

  5. Follow issue #11 on the ULID spec repository for more information about problems with supporting sub-millisecond sorting. 

  6. Follow issue #306 on the ulid-py repository for more information. 

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